1st International Interdisciplinary Congress on Parental Alienation and Family Violence

November 14th and 15th

Organized by CEAP, the first INTERNATIONAL AND INTERDISCIPLINARY CONGRESS ON PARENTAL ALIENATION AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE will take place on November 14 and 15 in the Aula Magna of the School of Law of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA).

The opening remarks will be addressed by Dr. Dr. Mauricio L. Mizrahi. The following psychiatrists, psychologists, judges and lawyers who are experts in the field will speak in person and online.


First day

9.00 hs.

Mauricio Luis Mizrahi


Opening remarks of the Congress by its president, Dr. Mauricio Luis Mizrahi.

Moderator: Mercedes Ladereche

9.45 hs.

William Bernet


Presentation by William Bernet (United States, Forensic Child Psychiatrist), “Misinformation Regarding Parental Alienation Theory: Professional Articles, Book Chapters and Legal Documents.”

10.15 hs.

Brian Ludmer


Lecture by Brian Ludmer (Canada, Attorney at Law), “Conceptualizing Parental Alienation as Child Abuse and Family Violence under U.S. and Canadian Law and Related Practices of Child Protection Authorities.”

10.45 hs.

Alejandro Mendoza Amaro


Presentation by Alejandro Mendoza Amaro (Mexico, PhD in Psychology), “Larsen Effect of Misinformation in Parental Alienation and Vicarious or Indirect Violence.”

11.15 hs.

Space for discussion.

11.45 hs.

Coffee break.

Moderator: Adriana Parada

12.15 hs.

Brian O´Sullivan


Lecture by Brian O’Sullivan (Ireland, Family Psychotherapist), “Re-connecting Alienated Children and Parents in Ireland”.

12.45 hs.

Silvana Verónica Giachero


Presentation by Silvana Verónica Giachero (Uruguay, Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Researcher), “Parental Alienation, a form of Child Abuse: Myths and Fallacies.”

13.15 hs.

Space for discussion.

13.30 hs.


Moderator: Kalanit Jalif

15.30 hs.

Sandra Veloso


Words of the author of the Handbook on Parental Alienation, a work composed of three books authored by Dr. Mauricio Luis Mizrahi. Presentation by Sandra Veloso, Argentina, Family Court Judge.

16.05 hs.

Mauricio Luis Mizrahi


Words from the author of the Handbook on Parental Alienation, Mauricio Luis Mizrahi PhD, Lawyer, former professor at the UBA, former Judge of the Court of Appeals of Buenos Aires and Doctor in Law and Social Sciences.

17.05 hs.

Coffee break.

Moderator: Mercedes Ladereche

17.35 hs.

David Ramírez Acuña


Presentation by David Ramírez Acuña (Costa Rica, Clinical Psychologist and Forensic Expert), “The Psychosocial Repercussions of Parental Violence in Children of Conflicted Divorced Parental Couples.”

18.05 hs.

Saulyn Lee Maturana


Lecture by Saulyn Lee Maturana (Chile, PhD in Psychology, University Professor), “Is Domestic Violence a Form of Parental Alienation?” “Relationship between Alienating Behaviors and Partner Violence from the Perspective of Alienated Mothers and Fathers.”

18.35 hs.

Patricia Anzoategui


Presentation by Patricia Anzoátegui (Argentina, Lawyer), “Gender Perspective in Justice: How Judicial Credibility is Destroyed.”

18.55 hs.

Space for discussion.

19.25 hs.

Coffee break

Second day

Moderator: Adriana Parada

9.00 hs.

Mariel Alejandra Guerrero


Presentation by Mariel Alejandra Guerrero (Argentina, Lawyer). “Professional Experience in Family Reconnection.”

9.20 hs.

Carlos Díaz Usandivaras


Presentation by Carlos Díaz Usandivaras (Argentina, Psychiatrist and Family Therapist), “Parental Alienation as Parent-Child Abuse due to Violence and Child Abuse.”

9.40 hs.

Graciela Medina


Presentation by Graciela Medina (Argentina, Lawyer and Doctor in Legal and Social Sciences), “Liability for Obstructing Contact”.

10.00 hs.

Cristóbal Llorente


Presentation by Cristóbal Llorente (Argentina, Family Court Judge), “Family Violence and Obstructions of Contact with Parents”.

10.20 hs.

Space for discussion.

10.50 hs.

Coffee break.

Moderator: Kalanit Jalif

11.10 hs.

Eduardo Guillermo Róveda


Presentation by Eduardo Guillermo Róveda (Argentina, Lawyer, University Professor), “Effectiveness of Judicial Reconnection Measures”.

11.30 hs.

Andrés Beccar Varela


Presentation by Andrés Beccar Varela (Argentina, Lawyer), “Family Violence Laws and their Impact on Parent-Child Relationships. Protection or Helplessness?".

11.50 hs.

Sergio Duvobe


Lecture by Sergio Duvobe (Argentina, Lawyer), “Beyond Theory: “How to Litigate Parental Alienation.”

12.10 hs.

Úrsula Basset


Lecture by Úrsula Basset (Argentina, Lawyer and University Professor), “The Child’s Right to Co-Parenting and Human Rights Demands.”

12.30 hs.

Pedro Herscovici


Presentation by Pedro Herscovici (Argentina, Psychiatrist, Couple and Family Therapist), “What Cognitive Neuroscience Says to the Law” (in cases of Family Violence and Parental Alienation).

12.50 hs.

Space for discussion.

13.20 hs.


Moderator: Kalanit Jalif

15.20 hs.

Reynaldo y Liliana Perrone


Lecture by Reynaldo Perrone (France, Psychiatrist) and Liliana Perrone (France, Psychologist), “Unsual Factors Contributing to Parental Alienation. Clinical Considerations”.

15.50 hs.

Leonardo Orlando


Presentation by Leonardo Orlando (France, PhD in Political Science and International Relations), “Gender Ideology, the Driving Force of Parental Alienation.”

16.20 hs.

Rosalía Fernández Alaya


Presentation by Rosalía Fernández Alaya (Spain, Magistrate), “The Denied Evidence of Parental Alienation: A Complex Reality”.

16.50 hs.

Nelson Zicavo Martínez


Presentation by Nelson Zicavo Martínez (Chile, PhD in Psychology), “From Abuse to a New Treatment: the ZICAP scale, a Valid Instrument to Measure Parental Alienation.”

17.20 hs.

María Berenice Dias


Presentation by María Berenice Dias (Brazil, former Judge, Lawyer), “Parental Alienation and the Unconstitutionality of Unilateral Child Custody”.
Cuidado Unilateral de los Hijos”.

17.50 hs.

Space for discussion.

18.20 hs.

Coffee break.


18.40 hs.

Mauricio Luis Mizrahi


Closing remarks of the Congress by its president, Dr. Mauricio Luis Mizrahi.

19.40 hs.

End of the Congress.

The speakers will address, from their areas of expertise, topics such as high-conflict separations, false allegations of family violence, acute cases of parental alienation, the consequences of this family dysfunction on the psyches of affected children, the psychosocial repercussions of parental violence, parental alienation as parent-child abuse, legal responsibility for obstructions of contact between parents and children, the effectiveness of judicial reconnection measures, analysis of family violence laws and their impact on parent-child ties, how to litigate cases of parental alienation in judicial practice, the child's right to co-parenting, gender ideology as a driver of parental alienation, the denied evidence of parental alienation, among others. The Congress programme will be published in due course, with the order and topics to be addressed by each speaker.

Dr. Mauricio Luis Mizrahi will serve as President of the Congress. Dr. Alejandro Mendoza Amaro will be the international coordinator, Dr. Sergio Dubove will be the general organizer and national coordinator, and Germán Mauro will be the interprovincial coordinator. The General Secretariat and Treasury will be in charge of Dr. Kalanit Jalif Special collaborators include Dr. Mercedes Ladereche and Dr. Andrés Beccar Varela.

During the event, the “Treaty on Parental Responsibility” will be presented, authored by Dr. Mauricio Luis Mizrahi, a work that will soon be published by Editorial Astrea, in Buenos Aires. The presentation will be given by the Family Court judge, Dr. Sandra Veloso.

Registration for the Congress is free of charge, but you will need to first complete the registration form found on this page. The Congress will operate in two modes, in person and virtually.


Dada las importantes erogaciones que devengará el Congreso, se ruega a todos los interesados que en la medida de sus posibilidades realicen donaciones para poder financiar adecuadamente este acontecimiento. Para tales fines, se solicita que los fondos se transfieran a la cuenta bancaria CBU 0720810088000000432636, Alias ARENA.MIEL.AUGE. Se trata de una cuenta única, de manera que las transferencias tanto se podrán realizar en pesos como en dólares.

Es imprescindible que cada donación se comunique a la Secretaria y Tesorera del Congreso Kalanit Jalif, correo electrónico kalanitjalif@gmail.com ,con la expresa indicación del monto donado. De manera inmediata se les remitirá el correspondiente recibo y el agradecimiento por el aporte efectuado; sin perjuicio de que el nombre del donante figure en la lista de patrocinantes del Congreso.

Mauricio Luis Mizrahi


Doctor en Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, ex Juez de la Cámara Nacional Civil, Profesor titular consulto de Familia y Sucesiones de la UBA. Recibió el primer premio otorgado por la Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, por su libro “Responsabilidad Parental”.

William Bernet


Médico Psiquiatra, especialista en Psiquiatría Infantil y Psiquiatría Forense. Evalúa a niños, adultos y familias que se encuentran envueltas en situaciones legales tanto civiles como criminales. Profesor emérito, investigador y autor de numerosos libros y artículos.

Carlos Diaz Usandivaras


Médico Psiquiatra, Terapeuta Familiar Sistémico, y Máster en Matrimonio y Familia. Fue el Fundador y es actualmente Director del Instituto de La Familia. Fue profesor en la Universidad Católica Argentina y la Universidad de Belgrano.

Sergio Dubove


Abogado especialista en Derecho de Familia. Obtuvo el Diploma de Honor de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Se dedicó a la docencia universitaria, la función pública y la práctica profesional. Dicta conferencias y cursos. Es autor de numerosos trabajos.

Alejandro Litmanovich


Psicólogo. Departamento de Salud Mental Crianza Sana Argentina.

Germán Mauro


Vicepresidente de la ONG Padres de Rio Negro y Neuquén. Presidente de la Federación Argentina Acción por la Niñez.

Reynaldo Perrone


Durante años fue Director general del Instituto de Formación y Aplicación de Terapias de la Comunicación en Lyon (Francia), donde actualmente es director de estudios. Es un especialista en pareja, violencia intrafamiliar y abuso sexual. A lo largo de su carrera ha analizado las diversas formas de violencia.

Alicia Gonzalez Vitale


Abogada Negociadora, Mediadora en cuestiones patrimoniales, de familia, facilitadora en conflictos públicos y sociales. Directora del Servicio de Mediación Familiar del poder Judicial de Neuquén. Profesora Universitaria.

Liliana Perrone


Liliana Perrone es psicóloga clínica, psicoterapeuta individual, de pareja y de familia. Mediadora familiar. Es formadora de profesionales en la Universidad de Lyon.